Wedendorf att Gadebusch

 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 
owned by the von Bülow-family 1255-1680

Wedendorf att Gadebusch in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 

owned by the von Bülow-family 1255-1680

Von 1335 bis 1760 war Plüschow Stammsitz der Familie von Bülow.

This baroque-style castle Bülow was originally constructed in 1746 over the cellar of an old manorhouse. The exterior was completely redone in 1842. Flat- topped towers, one storey high, rise at all four corners. The baroque banquet hall is on the upper storey. Stucco and marble pillars and painted stucco-relief pictures with rural themes decorate the hall. The entry on the ground floor is to one side. The ceiling in the vestibul is made of inlaid paneling and wainscoting from the middle 19th century. The castle was converted to administrative offices during the Soviet era of East Germany.

Godset Torreberga in Staffanstorp Sweden 2002

Meklenborgsk geheimeråd, hofmarskal, godsejer til Bristow og Gramzow (begge centralt i Mecklenborg-Vorpommern). Bristow, der sammen med Wedendorf har lagt navn til den danske linje ("Wedendorf-Bristow-Mariager Kloster"), eksisterer nu kun i form af ruiner af nogle bygninger opført omkring 1800.

Mecklenburg slott 

Brigitte Graefin von Bülows Castle

Clarendon Court, Newport, Rhode Island

Vicco von Bülow

Dommerkontoret vest for Mariager Kloster Kirke, den oprindelige herregård

The former summer residence of realm chancellor Bernhard Fuerst von Bülow 1870

Herregården Mølgaard, ejet og beboet af von Bülow fra 1775

Lock Green-Hope around 1865

the "von Bülow villa" was designed as a summer residence for Heinrich Georg Christian Friedrich von Bülow, who was a high judge at the Duke of Braunschweig's court 1839.

Skiverhus, ejet og beboet af von Bülow fra 1813

Kety in Poland

Bülow Plantation in Florida 1821

Baroque Castle Stadt Kremmen 1718

Tasterupgaard 1300

Estate in the episcopate Ratzeburg from 1153

Agerupgaard Denmark

Lunnsgaard - Denmark

Bülow bei Teterow

If you like to contact 

The House of von Bülow 

please do it here:
